Let's come to the middle, work hard, and get results
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As a working mom that is raising a toddler, I’m deeply concerned about the future of our region. I’m concerned about our schools, which have larger class sizes and fewer programs for students. I’m concerned about our energy bills becoming even more expensive. And I’m deeply concerned about the decline in the salmon runs that many in our region rely on.  These are all issues that our legislature can address. 

That’s why I’m running. We need a legislature that puts politics aside, and gets things done. 

Better Schools  •  Lower the Cost of Living  •  Bring Back the Salmon
We can get more done by working together

Serving as the Presiding Officer of the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly, I’ve worked with Republicans, Independents, and Democrats to tackle community issues. 

Here’s an example: two years ago, I received many calls and emails about our roads and the terrible potholes, sometimes sinkholes, that were appearing and making it impossible for fuel or water delivery, or even the school bus to get through. In response, I worked with our administration to secure funding, implemented a new ranking system to prioritize the highest-need roads, and got money out the door to make the necessary major repairs to our roads. This is the kind of problem solving I will bring to Juneau.

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